Saturday, September 3, 2011

Family Pictures Part One

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These were taken last Fall in Arkansas by one of my favorite photographers- Raye Law of Arkansas...
I truly treasure these photos and am so glad that I had them done!!

I will post more soon!

Friday, September 2, 2011

More Galveston

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Our trip to Galveston in May of 2010 was one to remember... I am sure there are many beaches that put Galveston to shame, however, I remember visiting Galveston as a child and it was within driving distance.  My long time dream of the girls seeing the ocean had come true!  I am so thankful to my photography friend Rachael for taking these portraits of us that I will always cherish.  They keep asking me-- when are we going back to the beach??

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Something More?

"Gotta be something more, gotta be more than this, I need a little less hard time, I need a little more bliss...." This is the song I heard on the radio this morning driving to work....
Do you always feel like if you had that one more thing in life then life would be perfect? I have been feeling that way recently. I've also been feeling that I'm never going to reach that dream.... Songs have always been more than songs to me. It seems like whatever I am going through in life there is a song that says it perfectly. Miley Cyrus' The Climb, and as it so happens Sugarland this morning are two of those songs that seem to be my life story right now. If you read this please pray for me, my future, my dreams, hopes, and desires and I will do the same. I know that God knows the desires of our hearts... God do you see my heart? Can you speed it up a little please?

And since no post is complete without pictures, since I'm a photogirl... here is my little Campbell from when she was very tiny, and then about a week ago at her birthday party. So big yet still so little!



Friday, August 28, 2009

Full Circle?

I never expected my life to be like this. But yet, here I am a widowed mom at the age of 36 with three young girls to raise. When Jeff first died I was scared to death! How was I going to take care of anything and everything by myself? Well, I still don't have all the answers but I feel like the circle is completing itself in some ways. Trusting in God and trusting in what we can't see yet is the hardest thing. But I think something awesome happens when we let go of the fear, we become comfortable with where we are. I was telling a friend of mine just the other day that I felt comfortable with my life where it is right now. I spent all day last Sunday in my pajamas working on my house and watching TNT and TBS all day. And it felt good. There are other good things happening in my life right now and I'm just letting them develop but I'm letting them do so slowly.

So where does full circle come in? I know this may sound weird but I love Boston Terriers. My parents had Bostons when I was growing up, our first Boston Terrier, Bimbo (I know, weird name) died when I was in 2nd grade. Then we got Ben when I was in the 5th grade. He passed away when I was in college. I still remember going to the breeder's farm to pick him out. We stood back about 10 feet and called to all the puppies. The one who got to us first was ours.
So I have always wanted to have my own and for my girls to have a Boston Terrier. We adopted one about 2 years ago and he was an older dog, Campbell was still young at the time and there was too much ear pulling going on. So we found a rescue group to take him and I cried buckets when we left. For some reason this week I felt compelled to look again and we found our Boston!

So without further ado... meet Buster!







And this little girl .... she's the one who will grow up and have maybe 5-6 dogs... She spread out dog food on the porch so she could attract all the dogs in the neighborhood... so, Makenna, one will have to do for now okay?


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